
Our singular purpose at +coordinates is to help you and your team create more impact. 


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Signal | Noise

Those who measure success by winning other people’s games are, by definition, destined to lose in the long run. Only by devising our own games, imposing our own rules and choosing our own metrics can we hope to stack life’s unruly deck in our favor.

A to B

Enlisting people in collaborative efforts often entails a frustrating, if ultimately rewarding apprenticeship in some of life’s most essential, hyphenated adulting arts: sense-making, boundary-setting, cat-herding, minefield-negotiating, and, ultimately, aspiring to grace-and-humility-ing.

“Establishing an immediate connection during an initial pitch conversation rarely, if ever in my experience, proves out. To the contrary with Quicksilver Foundry. From the very first conversation through months of interaction, Will and Kelly remained connected, focused and attuned to helping us achieve our goals – truly engaging all stakeholders in our process of clarifying our brand promise.”

Jeff Smith, Chief Communications Officer Easter Seals

“Will is unrelenting in his quest for clarity and alignment, which has been extremely valuable in our partnership. Time and again I have found myself in awe as I watch him catch fire around how a brand can really live its positioning - in word and deed. He is a wonderful combination of insanely competent and really funny. Plus, he has the essence of a true coach within him.”

Alexis Sanford, Principal, Spot Inquiry

“None of the consultants we have worked with in the past came close to being as impactful as +coordinates. This was clearly not a plug-n-play contract, it was about the care and feeding of a relationship that grew and changed substantially over time. They have a knack for asking the right question at the right time and aren’t afraid to say what they think—even (or perhaps especially) when they know it won’t be popular, but they think they have insight”

Karen McLeod, Director of Science | COMPASS

+coordinates doesn’t just talk about strategic clarity or how they are about lasting organizational change instead of a plan that sits on a shelf. Their work with COMPASS embodied all of that. The brand framework process and product was truly one of the most transformative things we've done.”

Brooke Smith, Executive Director | COMPASS

“I have read a lot about strategy in a lifetime as a marketeer, but I truly do find Will’s approach to be more insightful, inspiring and impactful than anything I have come across in those many years.”

Pat Riley, CEO, Genesis

“Will has a stunningly keen mind that lets him be surgically precise, and a generous heart that lets him engage and challenge. His ability to see what is possible for his clients and then help them discover it for themselves is his secret weapon. He perceives, holds, then compels them to reach their highest potential, all with a grace and humility that I rarely find in such a fierce talent.”

Diane Tompkins, Founder, The Curious Company

“The best workshop I have ever been to.”

Executive VP for Human Resources, Intel

“Establishing an immediate connection during an initial pitch conversation rarely, if ever in my experience, proves out. To the contrary with Quicksilver Foundry. From the very first conversation through months of interaction, Will and Kelly remained connected, focused and attuned to helping us achieve our goals – truly engaging all stakeholders in our process of clarifying our brand promise.”

Jeff Smith, Chief Communications Officer Easter Seals